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Modern Slavery Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Policy Statement

This statement has been produced in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The Act requires commercial organisations who supply goods or services and have a minimum total turnover of £36 million per year to prepare a slavery and human trafficking statement for each financial year. It covers both UK and non- UK entities.

Modern slavery can occur in various forms including servitude, forced or compulsory labour & human trafficking. All of which have in common the deprivation of a person(s) liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

This statement outlines the policies and procedures Resapol have in place to reduce the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our company and our supply chains.


Resapol recognise that the construction industry has one of the highest rates of modern slavery in the UK and are committed to aid the prevention and reduction of modern slavery and human trafficking within our industry. We will strive to achieve this through identifying risk within our business by implementing and enforcing effective policies, procedures and working with others to eradicate modern slavery within our supply chain.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and all forms of unethical behaviour. We are committed to conducting business ethically and with integrity in all our actions and relationships within our business and our supply chain.

Our Business and Values

Resapol is the UK’s trusted independent supplier of specialist construction products. We specialise in stocking and distributing a huge range of quality construction chemicals. Combining swift delivery, huge stocks, technical knowledge & practical experience within the construction industry.

We currently employee over 50 people and operate across the United Kingdom & Channel Islands. We are committed to enabling all employees to have a voice and share opinions, to aid our future development within a wide range of issues to coincide with our values and help create a culture of accountability, responsibility and collaborations across our business.

Resapol employees are a fundamental and essential part of our business, as employers we promote and strive for transparency, source goods and service responsibly, treat people with fairness, dignity and respect, conduct our business with the highest regard to professional, ethical, health & safety and environmental standards. We are committed to ensuring our employees appreciate and practise these values by extension in to all our client or supplier operations.

Company Policies

Resapol have a number of policies which are designed to prevent, reduce and manage the risks relating to modern slavery within our business framework. These Include:

  • Anti-Bribery Policy
  • Equal Opportunity Policy
  • Harassment & Bullying Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Staff Handbook
  • Onboarding Process / UK Right to Work Checks

(contained within any Resapol condition of employment)

The risks relating to modern slavery and human trafficking can apply anywhere within our business operations, whether through direct employment, suppliers of services or our supply chain for materials. We require any form of supplier to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking within their own businesses or supply chains.

If issues are identified through our auditing processes, Resapol will expect a swift response in resolving any matter to our satisfaction. We will review the relevant evidence and take remedial actions if or as appropriately required.

Supply Chain

Resapol’s supply chains provide various goods and services principally related to the construction industry, greater than 95% of our supply chain operates and manufacture within the UK and mainland Europe with less 5% operating outside of these areas (USA & Canada).

We procure materials for stocks and direct delivery through our approved supply chain list, based on our industry experience, knowledge, trading figures and our clients requirements.

When considering appointments to our supply chain, in addition to modern slavery and human trafficking status. We would ensure to take into account a company’s professionalism, ethical, health & safety, environmental and sustainability polices. These criteria should a line with our own values and provide reassurance to ourselves and our clients of Resapol’s commitment to safeguarding.

Working with any third party carries risks, Resapol endeavour to control these risks by evaluating our supply chain on an annual basis with the use a supplier & sustainability questionnaire. This will allow ourselves to update records and assist in the application of corrective actions should any issues occur.

Due Diligence

Resapol are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking within our business operation or within our supply chain, with processes aimed to:

  • Identify risk areas in our business and supply chain
  • Prevent where possible and reduce the risk of slavery from occurring
  • Monitor potential risk areas in our business and supply chain

Direct recruitment into the business will adhere to regulatory requirements relating to a person(s) right to work checks. Reviews are carried out annual within the HR department to ensure compliance with employment law.

Continued collaboration work will be conducted within our business, our supply chain and in conjunction with our client based annual questionnaires, further supporting Resapol’s commitment regarding modern slavery and human trafficking.


All Resapol staff undergo training regarding company policies during the Induction process, this is re-visited on a quinquennial basis, with last review completed during the first quarter of 2023. Any changes made during the training cycles are conveyed via internal e-shots to all employees.

Resapol will continue to assess and update all employees during annual internal ISO audits and quarterly housekeeping inspections in conjunction with our health and safety surveillance.

Future Focus

Continue to promote awareness on modern slavery and human trafficking with all employees of our business and supply chain, be they suppling goods or services.

We endeavour to compile further in-depth analysis of our current and potential supply chain to ensure our continued compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Company’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31st December 2023.


This statement is supported by Resapol’s board of directors.