Go Gum Pave Saver 5ltr
Go Gum Pave Saver 5ltr
Go Gum Pave Saver 5ltr
Description :
Pave-Saver protects surfaces from the menace of discarded chewing gum and helps them remain clean by repelling water, airborne dirt, acid rain, smog, industrial pollutants, oil and grease, dust and organic growth (lichens & moss).
Due to its exceptional penetration and stain repellent properties, Pave-Saver Paving Impregnator, supplied by Go-Gum Limited, is ideally suited to the protection of a wide variety of outdoor and indoor masonry surfaces that are subjected to heavy foot traffic.
Pave-Saver protects substrates and makes removing chewing gum and pollution effortless! Rain water can remove soiling as the particles are prevented from sticking to the substrate. Pave-Saver offers this high level of protection by effectively reducing the adhesion rate of the pollutant, whilst still enabling the underlying materials to breathe. Once treated, pressure washing/steam cleaning with the Enviraclean Machine/Gum-Grafter (or similar) may be required periodically.Pave-Saver also prevents surface spalling and fragmentation through repeated freeze/thaw cycles. Once applied it is invisible, essentially forming part of the substrates fabric and therefore offering high resistance to abrasion.
Go Gum Pave Saver 5ltr
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